A Foundation of Freedom: Happy Flag Day from ALPA

flag day

Today, the United States celebrates Flag Day! This day commemorates the adoption of the United States flag, which happened on this day in 1777. More than 240 years later, the Stars and Stripes still represent a nation united in strength, freedom, and pride. 

ALPA would like to take this opportunity to extend a special note of gratitude to our pilots who have bravely served to protect the freedom of our country. As we pause to reflect on the significance of the United States flag, we look to another type of flag which threatens the freedom of the U.S. airline industry: flags of convenience business models. 

Flags of convenience air carriers undercut the ability of U.S. airlines to fairly compete, and they run counter to our aviation trade agreements. ALPA will never stop pushing to stop flags of convenience from proliferating in the U.S. 

This week, ALPA members have gathered in Washington, D.C. at the union’s annual Legislative Summit to address this and other important issues. By leveraging our strength in numbers, we can take control and affect legislative change to protect a fair market for U.S. aviation. With your help, we will continue to fight for a future built on the very foundation on which our flag stands - freedom.

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