No Limits for Karen Lacy, ALPA’s First Female EVP

First Officer Karen Lacy never even saw the glass ceiling. In fact, she flew right through it.

Lacy made history when she was elected as an ALPA executive vice president on October 19, 2016.

EVPs are elected on the third day of a regular Board of Directors meeting, when master executive council members of the pilot group/groups represented form an election caucus. They make nominations, hear from each of the candidates, and elect a representative by roll-call, majority vote.

Once elected, ALPA’s executive vice presidents serve on the Executive Council, acting in consultation and cooperation with ALPA’s president to further the objectives and policies of the BOD and Executive Board.

Upon her election, Lacy was aware of the position’s honor, but she was unaware of her own historical significance as the first female to step into the role.

“I knew that women in elected ALPA positions were rare, but I wasn’t aware that I’d be a first,” she said. “I was told about it just after the election was completed and before Tim [Canoll, ALPA’s president] officially announced the results, so I didn’t really have time for it to sink in before my name was announced. Then I couldn’t stop smiling.”

A passionate and hardworking aviation enthusiast, Lacy hopes to inspire young girls to pursue their non-traditional career dreams.

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