November 24, 2015

UAS Registration Task Force Report: Key Step in ALPA’s Plan for Safe Integration

The November 23 release of the recommendations report of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Registration Task Force Aviation Rulemaking Committee serves as another important step forward in achieving ALPA’s four-point action plan for the safe integration of UAS in the national airspace.

As a member of the task force, ALPA supports its overarching goals and its consensus process to ensure registration of UAS successfully adds accountability and increases safety for UAS operators. While not included in the ARC’s recommendations, ALPA feels strongly that mandatory registration of UAS at the point of sale is essential. Registration during the sales process would enable the FAA to more easily enforce the registration rule and would help make clear to purchasers the responsibility that comes with owning an aircraft that holds the potential to dramatically affect the safety of air transportation.         

As FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said in a statement on November 21, “We will work quickly and flexibly to move toward the next steps for registration.” ALPA looks forward to the FAA’s issuing registration rules in December. In the ARC report, the FAA made clear that it will continue to regulate as necessary to ensure safety, even beyond the recent ARC recommendations if necessary. Our union will continue its focus on this important issue that affects all types of flight operations.

With our union’s four-part action plan, the United States can capitalize on the economic opportunities offered by UAS while maintaining the safety of air transportation. Read more about the four elements of the plan in October’s Air Line Pilot.

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents over 52,000 pilots at 30 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Visit the ALPA website at or follow us on Twitter @WeAreALPA.


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