Release #: 14.20
February 28, 2014

GAO Report on Pilot Availability Confirms that It’s All About the Money

Washington – The Air Line Pilots Association Int’l (ALPA) today responded to the GAO report (GAO-14-232) “Aviation Workforce—Current and Future Availability of Airline Pilots” in a special issue analysis paper. The GAO report supports the points ALPA has made for several years concerning whether there is, or will be, a genuine shortage of airline pilots. To put it very simply, currently there is no shortage of qualified pilots. There is, however, a shortage of qualified pilots willing to fly for substandard wages and inadequate benefits. The recent increases in experience required to enter the airline pilot profession, which were crafted with input from industry, labor and government, were made to ensure that the United States airline industry remains the safest in the world.

Read ALPA’s issue analysis paper here.

Download an ALPA infographic that compares entry-level pay for several professions in the U.S. here.
