Pilot Peer Support Recurrent Training

Course Content

The ALPA Pilot Peer Support (PPS) Recurrent Training provides a review of some of the initial PPS training topics, current PPS trends, and information on some of the latest best practices. The training will provide the PPS volunteer the tools to continue to provide empathy and support to their fellow pilots dealing with life’s stresses.


Your MEC/CASC budget pays for all of your pilot expenses: travel, sleeping rooms, meals, and flight pay loss (if required). This includes no-shows for hotel rooms where reservations have been requested and NOT canceled 48 hours prior to arrival and/or if the attendee fails to notify the hotel, during check-in, of a different departure date than the reserved.

View Course Schedule


  • Pilot Peer Support Training

Attendance Approval

  • ALPA Members: must have approval from their MEC Pilot Assistance Chairman or MEC Chairman prior to registration.

Target Audience

  • Pilot Peer Support volunteers who need recurrent training

Course Director

F/O Carrie Braun, JBU
ALPA National PPS Group Chair

Ms. Candace Kolander
Pilot Assistance and Occupational Safety