First Officer Emily Wiprud

First Officer Emily Wiprud is a recipient of the 2023 ALPA Superior Airmanship Award in recognition of the skill and professionalism she demonstrated when her aircraft experienced rapid depressurization caused by the left mid exit door plug departing the airplane.
On Jan. 5, 2024, at approximately 5:06 p.m., Alaska Airlines Flight 1282, a Boeing 737-9, departed Portland International with the captain piloting the aircraft and First Officer Wiprud monitoring. Following takeoff, the crew received clearance from ATC to climb to Flight Level 230. At approximately 16,000 feet, the crew heard a loud bang with pressure on the flight deck nearly dislodging the captain’s headset. First Officer Wiprud’s headset was completely removed due to the increased airflow. Both pilots quickly donned their oxygen masks and noted that the door to the flight deck had blown open. Noise made communication extremely difficult.
The crew promptly contacted air traffic control, declared an emergency, requested a lower altitude, and were directed to descend to 10,000 feet. The captain then asked for the rapid decompression checklist, which First Officer Wiprud completed using the Quick Reference Handbook. With the checklist completed, the captain continued to maintain control of the aircraft and coordinated with ATC to return to the airport. The aircraft landed safely on Runway 28L, and all on board, including two flight crew members, four cabin crew members, and 171 passengers, disembarked at the gate. Seven passengers and one flight attendant sustained only minor injuries.
ALPA recognizes the crew of Flight 1282 for their prompt response to the in-flight emergency, which made possible the safe return and landing of an aircraft with a large hole in its cabin.