Pilots Requested for Carcinoma Research

The ALPA Aeromedical Office has been asked to help identify pilots who have had skin cancers and may be willing to assist with a research study on basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common of all human cancers. This study, which is being conducted by Dr. Ervin Epstein of the Children’s Hospital of Oakland, Calif., is focused on the incidence of mutations in BCCs.

BCCs are abnormal, uncontrolled growths or lesions that arise in the skin’s basal cells, which line the deepest layer of the epidermis (i.e., the outermost layer of the skin). The research is designed to study the incidence of a certain type of mutation in BCCs presumed to be caused, in part, by ionizing radiation. Pilots are of interest in this study because of their exposure to atmospheric radiation, which is a normal part of their work environment.

Pilots who have, or have had, BCC and are interested in assisting with this research should contact Dr. Epstein for further information through his clinical study coordinator at Jlindgren@chori.org, or by office phone at 510-450-78639 or 866-513-0501. Participation in this research does not generate any FAA reporting requirement for pilots, and any publication will de-identify any participants. Results will be made available to the ALPA Aeromedical Office at a later date.