Ready, Willing, and Now Able to Serve

By Capt. David Farmer (Delta), Chair, ALPA Leadership Committee
Capt. Joe DePete, ALPA’s president, welcoming the Association’s newly elected representatives to the Leadership Training Conference.

For the past 20 years, I’ve had the honor of welcoming your elected local council representatives to the annual Leadership Training Conference. Last month, 85 newly elected representatives from 25 pilot groups joined me; Leadership Committee members Capt. Rob Slovitsky (United), Capt. Sean Creed (Spirit), and F/O Mark Lockwood (Delta); our national officers; and professional staff at the Association’s Herndon, Va., Conference Center. The reps got their first look at the depth of resources and the support ALPA has to offer its pilot representatives, along with hands-on practical training.

These men and women have stepped forward to lead your council and represent you at your pilot group’s master executive council (MEC) and at the Association’s Board of Directors. You, as a line pilot, expect your reps to be accountable, communicate, understand the issues, solve problems, and assist you personally if you need help with an aeromedical, discipline, or enforcement issue.

As local council representatives and officers, your elected leaders have three basic areas of responsibilities: negotiate a contract; enforce that contract, which includes protecting the pilots working under it; and promote the profession. The learning modules of the conference focused on these three objectives. Additionally, we introduced the “back office” support departments. As with any organization, you need governance—the rules of the road; membership support—tracking new hires, apprentice, active, and retired pilots; finance—collecting dues, paying bills, and ensuring budget compliance; and HR—recruiting and maintaining professional staff.

We told reps at the start of the conference that our aim was to give them the tools to be an effective representative for their pilots: what to do, how to do it, and who to call if help is needed. We provided them with the skills leaders need—decision-making, consensus building, presiding over meetings, time management, professionalism, and more—along with knowledge about ALPA, their roles and responsibilities within the Association, and the resources available to assist them in their duties.

We discussed what we like to call the “ALPA toolbox”—our professional staff. We’re a member-driven, staff-supported organization, and the staff members who support us are tremendous. But you can only take advantage of this if you know who to talk to. Much of the conference was spent hearing from staff and learning what departments handle which areas of the representatives’ responsibilities.

That education started with an overview of ALPA staff services by David Krieger, ALPA’s general manager. Many ALPA departments also gave presentations to highlight their work. Reps heard about social media from the Communications and Legal Departments, the state of the airline industry from the Economic & Financial Analysis Department, ALPA’s pilot-partisan efforts from the Government Affairs Department, duty of fair representation from the Legal Department, meeting support from the Strategic Member Development & Resources Department, and the mechanics of representing their pilots during discipline and grievance hearings from the Representation Department. Each presentation concluded with some form of the phrase, “And if you have any questions at any time, please get in touch with us.” The new leaders also met their council services coordinators who’ll be their primary point of contact during their tenure in office.

We also made sure to share information about some of ALPA’s programs and resources that make the Association stand out among our peers: the Air Safety Organization; Pilots for Pilots; the Aeromedical Office, including the HIMS program; the Critical Incident Response Program; and the Pilot Peer Support program. These are all programs that our leaders need to know about so that if and when the need arises, they can get their pilots the support our union is ready to provide.

Another important aspect of the conference was peer networking. We encouraged discussions among the pilot reps. During the breakout sessions and evening events, they learned that the challenges they face are likely similar to those their fellow reps face. Additionally, we highlighted the need for solidarity as we face global threats.

Each member of the Leadership Committee has been in these reps’ shoes. We created the syllabus and coordinated the learning modules to best prepare them for their duties. At the end of this four-day conference, your elected reps know their responsibilities, have the necessary skills to perform their duties, and are familiar with ALPA’s vast resources to help them effectively do their jobs.

These new leaders are ready to return to their bases to follow in the footsteps of ALPA’s 24 “Key Men,” the founding members of the Association. They’re now part of ALPA’s history going forward. They’re the key men and women of ALPA today, and on behalf of the Leadership Committee and ALPA’s national officers, I wish them well as they make their mark on ALPA history.

National Officers’ Words Of Wisdom

All four of ALPA’s national officers, who have decades of experience volunteering with ALPA, spoke with new representatives during ALPA’s recent Leadership Training Conference. Here are some of their words of advice.

Capt. Joe DePete, president: “The power of one is weak; the power of many is unbreakable.”

Capt. Bob Fox, first vice president: “Develop a relationship with the chief pilot so that if and when issues arise—and issues always arise—he’ll call you first to talk about it.”

Capt. Bill Couette, vice president–administration/secretary: “You’re going to meet a lot of people—pilots and staff—who are going to be able to help you. Network. When you experience a problem at your property, chances are someone else has had that experience and can help you.”

Capt. Joseph Genovese, vice president–finance/treasurer: “These three things are paradigm in your position: responsibility, accountability, and credibility. Focus on the first two, and you will have the third.”

Irish ALPA President Addresses ALPA’s New Leaders

At the Association’s Leadership Training Conference, ALPA’s newest representatives received an eye-opening and rousing talk from Capt. Evan Cullen, president of Irish ALPA. Cullen detailed his history in labor and spoke about the significant differences in union activity in the United States versus in Ireland and in the EU. In doing so, he echoed the words of Capt. Joe DePete, ALPA’s president, in stressing the need for global unity in the airline profession.

Cullen pointed out that there are 28 different sets of labor laws in the EU and that in Ireland there’s no law that recognizes unions. He noted that there’s no right to strike, though employees are protected if they do strike. However, only company employees—not contractors—have that protection. Airlines with bases in multiple countries, Cullen said, are commonly able to play pilots against each other.

Cullen took attendees through his background working with/against (sometimes at the same time) Air Lingus and Ryanair and explained the dangers he’s faced in recent years, with threats from management of jail time, bankruptcy, and the loss of his home. He explained how a deadly helicopter crash in 2017 helped turn around skepticism about unions—the public saw that Irish ALPA’s warnings about the country’s aviation oversight were legitimate—and led to gains at Ryanair. Yet Cullen acknowledged that significant trouble still remains and could be heading to North America.

While Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) flag-of-convenience business model is currently underperforming, Cullen warned that the model isn’t going away. “There will be a strong, low-cost, long-haul operator,” he said, such as a revamped NAI, Ryanair, or Level, “that will attempt to leverage the worst employment laws,” and careers will be on the line. The solution, Cullen said, remains as it always has—unity.

Bringing It Home

At the conclusion of ALPA’s Leadership Training Conference, Air Line Pilot staff spoke with a few of the new reps and officers to get their impressions of the training.

Capt. Scott Nelson (Kalitta Air) has served his pilot group as Council 140 captain rep and Master Executive Council (MEC) chair (as a single council, local executive council officers also serve as MEC officers) since last August, but he still learned quite a bit during the conference. “The presentations didn’t feel like canned speeches,” he noted. “There were interactions constantly between the presenters and attendees.” As a member of one of ALPA’s newest pilot groups, Nelson was impressed with what he learned about the Air Safety Organization (ASO). “The ASO really distinguishes ALPA,” he said. “The safety aspect, the focus on safety, really makes us stand apart, and it was inspiring to learn more about it.”

F/O Andy Kinnear’s (Spirit) first introduction to ALPA work was through the ASO; he was honored with the Association’s Superior Airmanship Award at the 2012 Air Safety Forum while with ExpressJet, and the experience there gave him the bug to get involved. He worked with new hires at Spirit before being elected as the Council 18 F/O rep and vice chair. “The biggest thing I’ll take away from the conference is the huge number of dedicated experts ALPA can provide for our pilots to assist with almost any issue,” he observed. “I won’t be able to solve every issue faced by the pilots I represent, but I’m confident I can connect with somebody who can help.”

Capt. Gareth Carter (Endeavor Air) has been Council 157 secretary-treasurer since last year and began a full three-year term on March 1, but he still took away quite a bit from the conference. “I learned more and more about what ALPA can do, and I can bring this information with me to my base and my pilots,” he said. “There is a vast amount of resources and knowledge available to help us—beyond the support for contracts and discipline that many pilots may think is all ALPA offers.”

F/O Todd Quesnel (ExpressJet), Council 175 secretary-treasurer, spoke about what he’d be taking back to his pilots. “I have a previous business background,” he said, “but I was able to gain a better understanding of ALPA’s procedures and policies—the breakdown of ALPA’s structure, what flows through the local executive council and what doesn’t, and what’s expected from a secretary-treasurer.” Regarding ALPA’s professional staff, Quesnel remarked, “There’s a huge support staff in every area you can think of. I know I’ll be calling.”

F/O Tom Merrill (FedEx Express), the incoming Council 123 secretary-treasurer, said he was inspired to run “so that I can use my skillset to give our pilots as many tools as possible to succeed.” He added, “Attending the conference will advance that goal greatly. By learning about everyone and everything I have backing me up, I can better provide assistance to our pilots—assistance that many of them don’t even know is available.” He observed, “The more our pilots know about ALPA and what the Association can provide, the better it is for them, for their families, and for ALPA as a whole.”

F/O Ben Conroy (United), Council 173 F/O rep and vice chair, found the conference quite impressive. “The idea that every year ALPA invests in its newest officers is critical,” he said. Conroy served in several volunteer committee positions in the past and felt ready to step up and become an elected leader. “After being here this week, I don’t think that I could have properly served my pilots without this experience,” he noted. “Meeting staff from the various departments and building a rapport with them—that’s going to be invaluable when there’s an issue on my base and I need someone to help me. That alone will help me better serve my council.”

New ALPA Reps

The following ALPA leaders took office on March 1 for a three-year term ending Feb. 28, 2022. Don’t see your rep on the list? Log into your member account and click the "Representative" tab for the name and e-mail of your elected master executive and local council officers.

Air Transat 225
Capt. David Waditschatka,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Air Transat 225
F/O Robert Baxter,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Air Transat 225
Capt. Robin Durrett,

Air Wisconsin 51
Capt. John Roback
(Capt. Rep)

Air Wisconsin 51
F/O Aaron Bunnis
(F/O Rep)

Air Wisconsin 51
Capt. John Lindenauer,

Alaska 67
Capt. Anthony Lind,
Chair (SB Rep #5)

Alaska 67
Capt. Bryan Burks,
Vice Chair (SB Rep #4)

Alaska 67
F/O Israel Young,
Secretary-Treasurer (SB Rep #6)

Bearskin 219
Capt. Kim Steingass,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Bearskin 219
Capt. David Page,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

CommutAir 152
Capt. Samuel Zweifel,

Chair (Capt. Rep)

CommutAir 152
Capt. Lucas Ragusa,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

CommutAir 152
Capt. Ryan Morris,

Delta 20
Capt. Richard Wheeler,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Delta 20
F/O Darren Hartmann,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Delta 20
Capt. Eric Nelson,

Delta 44
Capt. Brent Allen,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Delta 44
Capt. Kevin O’Mahoney,
Vice Chair (Capt. Rep)

Delta 44
F/O Jay Cowieson,
Secretary-Treasurer (F/O Rep)

Delta 44
F/O Mark Allen
(F/O Rep)

Delta 81
Capt. Peter Van Stee,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Delta 81
Capt. Richard Harper,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Delta 81
F/O Thomas Wilkinson,

Endeavor Air 157
Capt. Michael Sederlund,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Endeavor Air 157
F/O Samuel Friedman Cowan,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Endeavor Air 157
Capt. Gareth Carter,

Envoy Air 133
Capt. Patrick Zeller,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Envoy Air 133
F/O Thomas Cross,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Envoy Air 133
F/O Dustin Bouillion,

ExpressJet 175
Capt. Richard Schumann,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

ExpressJet 175
F/O Abel Barba,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

ExpressJet 175
F/O Todd Quesnel,

ExpressJet 179
Capt. David Oeswein,
Chair (Status Rep)

ExpressJet 179
Capt. Larry Largent,
Vice Chair

ExpressJet 179
Capt. Gregory Gibson,

FedEx Express 7
Capt. Christopher Norman,
Chair (SB Rep #1)

FedEx Express 7
F/O Anita Shew,
Vice Chair (SB Rep #4)

FedEx Express 7
F/O Nicholas Bolander,
(SB Rep #8)

FedEx Express 79
Capt. Robert Cecchi,
Chair (SB Rep #9)

FedEx Express 79
Capt. Todd Koss,
Vice Chair

FedEx Express 79
F/O George Schmuke,

FedEx Express 123
Capt. James Owen,
Chair (SB Rep #13)

FedEx Express 123
F/O Salvador Infante,
Vice Chair

FedEx Express 123
F/O Thomas Merrill,

First Air 241
Capt. Stacey Tumoth,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

First Air 241
F/O Aaron Penner,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

First Air 241
F/O Dimitri Damaskine,

Frontier 167
Capt. Jeffrey Larson,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Frontier 167
F/O Frederick Michalk,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Frontier 167
F/O Jeffrey Hicks,

Hawaiian 65
Capt. Lawrence Payne,
Chair (SB Rep #1)

Hawaiian 65
Capt. Rod Buskas,
Vice Chair (SB Rep #2)

Hawaiian 65
Capt. Nils Lundblad,
Secretary-Treasurer (SB Rep #3)

Hawaiian 65
Capt. Adam Feldman
(SB Rep #4)

Jazz Aviation 226
Capt. David Clark,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Jazz Aviation 226
F/O Kari Ellett,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Jazz Aviation 226
Capt. Scott Frolick,

Jazz Aviation 231
Capt. Darryl Boon,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Jazz Aviation 231
F/O Jordan White,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Jazz Aviation 231
Capt. Jean-Claude Patchell,

JetBlue 193
Capt. Samuel McCarthy,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

JetBlue 193
Capt. Christopher Abell,
Vice Chair (Capt. Rep)

JetBlue 193
F/O Brian Dirlam,
Secretary-Treasurer (F/O Rep)

JetBlue 193
F/O Taylor Campbell
(F/O Rep)

JetBlue 195
Capt. Joseph Cornelius,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

JetBlue 195
Capt. John Oden,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

JetBlue 195
F/O Alfredo Ortiz,

Mesa 87
Capt. Mark Veney
(F/O Rep)

Mesa 87
Capt. Jeffrey Cohen,

Piedmont 29
Capt. Brandon Lighty,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Piedmont 29
F/O Kenneth Lillberg,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Piedmont 29
Capt. Alex Golembiewski,

PSA 70
Capt. Michael Howe,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

PSA 70

F/O Cody Moore,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

PSA 70
Capt. Kevin Harper,

Spirit 18
Capt. Mark Bailey,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Spirit 18
F/O Andrew Kinnear,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Spirit 18
Capt. Michael Berkowitz,

Sun Country 15
Capt. Brian Lethert,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Sun Country 15
F/O Eric Meenk,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Sun Country 15
F/O Kevin Broman,

Trans States 39
Capt. Nikolaos Giannoussidis,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

Trans States 39
Capt. Matthew Grieco,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

Trans States 39
F/O Michael Kisker,

United 57
Capt. Scott Combest,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

United 57
Capt. Thomas Dowdle,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

United 57
Capt. Brian Finley,

United 93

F/O Christopher Clay,
Chair (Status Rep)

United 93
Capt. Mark Rosenhahn,
Vice Chair

United 93
F/O Shaun Regan,

United 171
Capt. Jefferson Quinn,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

United 171
F/O Nicholas Harwood,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

United 171
Capt. James Call,

WestJet 234
Capt. James Langille,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

WestJet 234
F/O Christopher Whitty,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

WestJet 234
F/O Jonathan Mason,

WestJet Encore 214
Capt. Daniel Mills,
Chair (Capt. Rep)

WestJet Encore 214
Capt. Mark Circelli,
Vice Chair (F/O Rep)

WestJet Encore 214
Capt. Theodore Hebert,

This article was originally published in the March 2019 issue of Air Line Pilot.

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