Have You Read? Viper Pilot: A Memoir of Air Combat

By Dan Hampton

Viper Pilot will become an instant aviation classic you’ll want to reread for many years to come. Dan Hampton’s memoir is a gripping, action-packed story about the Wild Weasels, the elite Air Force fighter squadron whose primary mission was to fly deep behind enemy lines to draw fire from surface-to-air missiles. This story takes the reader on an emotional rollercoaster through the eyes of a F-16 Viper pilot as he skillfully evades incoming fire in a heart-racing adventure of cat-and-mouse.

The reader not only learns about the art of surface-to-air combat tactics, which is more deadly than direct air-to-air engagement, but also about aviation history through Hampton’s personal accounts of the 2003 invasion of Iraq as well as critical missions of the Gulf War. These aviation-hero recollections will make you sweat from the intense action sequences and keep you wanting more.—Reviewed by Capt. Jason Moll (Envoy Air)

Pages: 337
Publisher: HarperCollins
Available: Barnsandnoble.com, Amazon.com, and other booksellers

This article was originally published in the June 2018 issue of Air Line Pilot.

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