Flying Above the Noise

Advocating in our nations’ capitals is always challenging—and never more so than now when partisanship, an endless cycle of shock news, and a looming election create gridlock in Washington, D.C., and Ottawa. Over the past several years, ALPA has been dedicated to expanding our reach and influence in Washington and Ottawa by building on our mission to schedule with safety and elevating our pilot-partisan brand. We’ve long been known for our expertise and professionalism and for our heft in the policy arena. Since defining our advocacy as pilot partisan, however, we’ve leveraged our advocacy prowess to be bigger, smarter, and more successful.

Pilot partisan means we’re committed to developing relationships and backing more and more federal legislators who support pilots. We build relationships with decision-makers across the political spectrum—liberal, conservative, and everything in between. These relationships are based on a mutual commitment to aviation safety, security, and the future of the airline piloting profession.

And the key to the success of our pilot-partisan agenda is pilots. Pilots are connecting as professional expert aviator constituents with their Members of Congress and Parliament. ALPA’s team of pilot advocates allow us to fly above the noise in the quagmire of our nations’ capitals to advance our agenda in a real way with those who make policy decisions that impact our careers.

Read the latest Air Line Pilot (PDF)