Weighing In: Financial Strength for Today and Tomorrow

By Capt. Randy Helling, ALPA Vice President–Finance/Treasurer

Every two years, the pilot leaders of the Air Line Pilots Association, International gather together for the Board of Directors meeting, where we plot the path for our Association and update our strategic plan to ensure the best future for all airline pilots.

This past October the Board of Directors met in Washington, D.C., and as your vice president–finance/treasurer, it was my privilege to address the BOD delegates and provide them with information on our financial past, present, and future.

Two years ago in October 2014, I stood before the Association’s Board of Directors and reported that we were in the midst of a financial recovery; I noted that things were looking up. However, I also cautioned that a lot of hard work still needed to be done.

This year, my message was again an encouraging one. I was pleased to report positive news: ALPA’s finances continue to remain strong and sound, and the future looks bright. Our hard work is paying off. I’m talking about things like

  • a $27 million surplus for 2016 thus far,
  • year-by-year increases in dues income, and
  • recapitalizing our strategic resources with surplus dues revenue by
    • replenishing the Operating Contingency Fund,
    • showing upward movement in the Major Contingency Fund balance for the first time in years, and
    • funding a much-needed system modernization project.

These are just some of the highlights. The addition of two new pilot groups, the improved contracts of multiple pilot groups, and the financial discipline shown in managing our members’ hard-earned dues dollars have all contributed to this upward trend in the union’s financial standing.

This can only happen if there’s a true team effort, from the national officers all the way up to the line pilots. In all aspects of this union, whether it’s collective bargaining, Calls to Action, or fiduciary responsibility—this union exists because of its members.

“Powered by Pilots” is more than just a meeting theme; it speaks to the essence of our proud union, which is led by pilots, for pilots. Your colleagues who volunteer to become secretary-treasurers take spending your dues dollars very seriously; they understand the fiduciary responsibility they hold in their hands. They know that the Air Line Pilots Association, International represents, protects, and defends every single member flying the line. We’re 54,000 pilots strong.

We’re measured, in part, by our ability to work together as one union and our willingness to speak with one voice. At ALPA, we harness our resources to help those in need today, knowing that any one of us could be in need tomorrow. We’ll continue to look for ways to provide better, more effective services to every ALPA member, every day.

So while I bring you, our members, the same message I shared with the Board of Directors delegates—that our finances are strong and sound—I must bring you the same gentle reminder as well. We must continue our discipline and our conservative budgeting, and we must learn from the past to ensure that our future remains as sound as our present.

That’s why building our war chest, the Major Contingency Fund, is such an important task—and why seeing the balance grow is an important milestone. We’ve put excess dues dollars back into the fund repeatedly over the past few years so that it’s ready when we need it.

While our finances are strong now, we must be ready for the day when they might not be on as solid ground—so that we can remain the leader in the airline industry and a beacon in our profession. It’s our legacy as well as our mandate.

This article was originally published in the December 2016 issue of Air Line Pilot.

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