August 27, 2019
KCM Uniform Policy on Hold, Automated Random Screenings Have Begun
This past weekend, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Airlines for America (A4A) announced policy changes for the Known Crewmember (KCM) program. As reported to you by ALPA on the evening of Monday, August 26, at the request of the ALPA president, a temporary hold has been placed on the implementation of the new uniform policy. While the delay is only temporary, the TSA’s decision provides a key opportunity for collaboration by the regulator, the airlines, and labor to develop additional or alternative measures to mitigate risk to the KCM system.
While the uniform policy change is on hold, the Unpredictable Screening Procedures (USP) policy did take effect today, Tuesday, August 27. This automated enhancement will include retention of the crewmember via random selection for USP for a period of time at all KCM access points in that airport. If the selected crewmember exits the sterile area and attempts to reenter through a KCM access point during this time period, that crewmember will continue to be identified for USP.
As to the uniform policy, we have received reports that some eligible ALPA members were prematurely turned away from KCM access points this week and that at some airports the TSA had not received notice that the policy implementation is on hold. We’ve been assured that those actions were in error and are working with the TSA to ensure that all Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) are aware that this policy is not yet in effect.
In the unlikely event that you or a fellow flightcrew member are turned away from a KCM checkpoint due to lack of uniform, please remain professional and calm. While the situation is a misunderstanding, do not put yourself in a situation where you may be subject to TSA fines or disciplinary action. Follow the instructions of the TSOs to the passenger-screening checkpoint and inform your LEC and/or MEC security committee.
ALPA recognizes the vital role and importance of KCM access in your daily life, and we are working around the clock to reach a permanent resolution. The Association is committed to aviation security and ensuring the strength and integrity of the KCM program.
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